In the movie 'Contact', Jodie Foster plays the role of a researcher who yearns to find other intelligent life in the universe. One day she succeeds in getting a message from outer space. The aliens communicate with her, and tell her how to build a shuttle so powerful that will enable humans to fly to their planet. Humans build the ship. After finishing everything according to the alien guidelines, they fix a seat in the main cabin for Jodie. Now they think about her safety and realize that there is no seat belt in the original design. They install a seat belt.
The next day, Jodie takes off in her new shuttle. When the shuttle gets into the air, Jodie's seat starts shaking violently. She panics. She doesn't understand the problem. Out of her confusion, she opens up the seat belt and tries to walk out of the seat. As soon as she opens up the belt, the vibration stops. Turns out that the vibration was caused by the belt. Humans felt that the original design had missed it, and they must add it on their own.
This is how we treat the truth. If we really believed in our faiths, whatever we believed in, we would never fight over them. We think that the truth needs our support and we should be belligerent about it. When we add our personal interpretations to the truth, we deface it. How wrong. The truth does not need our help, instead, we need its help. The truth stands on its own--alone and strong. It is, its own evidence.
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