Saturday, May 15, 2004

Thorns and Needles

When we are stung by a thorn or a needle, we feel an excrutiating pain. We become motionless for a moment and all our senses numb. At that very instance, all we want from anybody in the world is to take that thorn or needle out. Our thoughts converge to a single point in the whole universe and we forget about everything else. Even though, it is usually a very small thing. As soon as you take it out, we come back to normal life as if nothing ever happened.

In our journey towards our greatest and dearest goals, we are often stung by thorns and needles. The higher the aim, the tougher it becomes to achieve it. As if achieving sublime goals wasn't hard enough, we also stumble upon tons of superfluous distractions. Sometimes, these distractions are so sharp and pointed, just like a needle or a thorn, that they make us forget what we were heading for. They have the ability to throw us off the balance so much, that we lose all sense of orientation.

The key is to stay focused on the main objective. If we come across something very difficult, we should always think what we still have in our hands. Often times, the fix of a problem is very simple, as long as we don't lose our composure.

Often times, the problem itself is not as big as its pain.



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