Paradigm Shift
There are times in our history when our values change. We are forced to rethink our traditions. We are forced to adopt new ways and leave old ones behind. In the history of all religions, and I don't speak of any one in particular, a person comes and redefines the way we live. We call such people by different names. We call them prophets, messengers, messiahs, avatars, and the holy men.
In Gandhi's words, the revolutionaries are first met with indifference, then with resistance, and then with a following.
At the time of the change, whoever follows the new thought becomes a target. The followers of Jesus were chased after, and so were Muhammad's. Galileo's followers were declared evil, and so were Freud's.
But what happens 'after' the trends have been changed? What happens 'after' the sacrifices of such people are accepted by the masses? The same things that were a stigma at one time become an honor. To be a follower of Jesus or Muhammad earns you respect by the peers. To praise Galileo and Kepler becomes bohemian.
This is the time when the paradigm shifts. Now Bible or Koran are not read to reach god, but to flaunt religiosity. Now beards are kept not to show dissidence, but to gain social acceptance. Kind deeds are not done to help humanity, but to show off. Heads are covered not to be modest, but to be able to run with the crowd.
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