Saturday, January 21, 2006


For a very long time, I was stuck with the debate of what school to go for an MBA. How can I learn the best techniques? What school can teach me those?

It's all about the aspects. Just like a soccer ball, that has a number of aspects, every venture in life has aspects. For example, if you want to be an entrepreneur, you need to know the aspect of scanning a market, the aspect of identifying an opportunity, the aspect of creating a business plan, the aspect of hiring the best resources, etc etc.

The challenge is identifying the aspects. One needs to explore all the aspects that are required by a certain art. Once you identify all the aspects that would lead you to your destination, you put them together in one line. A + B + C + D ...... + Z. There you go. You know the aspects, you know their sequence, now go get them.

The concepts of aspects applies to pretty much all branches of knowledge. If you want to be a writer, learn the aspect of vocabulary, learn the aspect of phrases, learn the aspect of connecting, and so forth.

I wanted to know who can teach me. Who can make me the best? I did get the answer. Who can teach me everything? Myself. The process of learning would flow from inside out, and not the other way around. As they say, it's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.

Champions are born from within.



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