Thursday, June 10, 2004


Trinitrotoluene is the chemical name of TNT. Its an explosive, which burns as a result of an exothermic reaction. It releases energy and inflicts damage on the target. But once it is burnt, it burns no more.

As human beings, we carry a lot of TNT in ourselves. This TNT is our complexes. Superiority or inferiority, they are complexes after all. Everyday, I meet people with both kinds of complexes. Any kind of a complex is unhealthy. An inferiority complex takes away what we have. It cripples us and does not let us do what we are capable of. It hides our good qualities from us, and we miss opportunities. On the other hand, a superiority complex fools us by assuring us that we possess something that we really don't. It makes us arrogant, and we stop developing. There is nothing more remorseful than finding out about our arrogance too late.

Carrying any kind of a psychological ailment is like carrying TNT. It is dangerous. You never know when it may explode. But there is something that heals us and cures this ailment. That panacea is called hardships. Hardships burn our TNT. They put us face to face with our complexes. We are lucky if they come sooner than later. And we are even luckier if we can go through them and survive. There are two dangers, though. Either you never come across a hardship, or you don't survive it.

But if you can do both--Voila!! Congratulations. Your TNT has been burnt. You are free.



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