Thursday, January 26, 2006

Kinds of Love

Although there are several types of loves, but I am going to talk about three basic ones.

The first one is the love by familiarity. I mean familiarity in a strict psychological sense. It develops when we live and interact with someone on a regular basis. We become highly used to the other persons presence in our lives and integrate them in it. Such love is usually found among siblings, and in parent-child relationships.

The second love is what I call a crush. Actually, it is a very scientific phenomenon. Deep underneath, in our subconscious, mother nature has programmed our brains to reproduce. Just like a search engine searches for the right match, our subconscious searches for the means to reproduce. Has it ever happened to you that you looked at somebody of the opposite sex from behind, became attracted, but as soon as the person turned around, the attraction vanished? It is a very simple case of such crush.

What happens in this case is that our subconscious, which is acting as a search engine, thinks that it found a match. It is looking for the right age and the right biological indicators. Both male and female bodies possess physical features that indicate levels of fertility. Even when the search finds a partial match, it initiates an attention. But as soon as the partial proof is neutralized, the attention goes away.

In essence, the above mentioned love is not love, it is only a subliminal biological drive.

The third love is the soulmate kind of love. This happens when two people meet outside their bodies. By that I mean the meeting of two minds, and thoughts. This is when the thinkings of two minds come together. They create a sense of joy and harmony. The love that comes out of this situation surpasses other loves. It goes beyond the phsyical attraction and finds its home in our thoughts. It has the power to weather good and bad times alike. Given positive reinforcement, this love only grows, and doesn't diminish.



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