Shawshank Redemption
In the movie 'Shawshank Redemption', Tim Robbins is an inmate who plans to escape from prison. He does not have any tools to break open his cell. If you haven't seen the movie, stop here :)
But if you have seen it, then you know that he uses a spoon to dig a tunnel for himself. It takes him decades to dig it using his small tool. But with persistence and patience, he does it. Is a spoon really made to dig tunnels? If he were to hit the spoon too hard on the ground, it would have broken right away. So what did he do? He went slowly. Slow enough so that he doesn't break the spoon, but accomplishes something every day.
We are like those spoons. When the journey is long, and energies are limited, we should not stress. If we stress ourselves out, we will break right away.
They say, the tallest mountains are climbed very slowly, but persistently.